GISBURN - CALF'S HEAD Worston 18th December 2022
There was an attractive fall of snow and some precarious ice, but all returned more or less in one piece. The first departures were at the Clitheroe MacDonald’s on the A59. Pat and Steph led off to start their winding route along the Ribble Way as they traced its way up through Clitheroe and Chatburn. Happily the ground was not as wet as it might have been but still beautiful to follow to Worston. Anne and Helen and Graham’s group departed for Little Moor and on to Clitheroe intending to ‘do the town’ including the High Street, and eventually cross to Worston. From the same convenient stop Paul led his group across the road to Wiswell, heading for Wymondhouses. They ascended Pendle from Black Hill and Ogden Clough. It was very cold on the top and they wasted no time in descending to Worston. The Oldhams headed south from Gisburn going round Pendle and aiming for Barley where they had an ‘appointment’. They set of for Worston giving Pendle summit a wide bert...